Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Internal Quality Assurance Cell
The internal quality assurance cell was established in 2014 to initiate, monitor, evaluate and report on relevant measures to upgrade the quality of teaching, learning, evaluation and research initiatives in the campus. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions and to promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
CEO, USAM CADSoft India Private Limited, Coimbatore.
P/O of Ms. Haritha K- II BME
Controller of Examinations

Quality Policy
Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology ensures quality Teaching-learning process, Research, Outreach services and Education for technical self sufficiency. It is dedicated to nurture a culture of continuous quality improvement and optimum utilization of resources to achieve academic excellence.
Functions of IQAC
- Set quality parameters and its benchmark, review and analyze the activities and reforms to be carried out.
- Adoption and dissemination of best practices to all stake holders.
- Maintenance of institutional data base through MIS for enhancing quality.
- Facilitation of learner centric environment with strategies for experiential and participative learning
- Prepare academic calendar at the beginning of each semester
- Conduct periodical review meetings – PAC, DAB, AC, Budget Committee Meeting, Library committee meeting, GC
- Organize inter and intra institute enrichment programmes for faculty
- Evolve strategic goals
- Analyze and action taken towards feedback from– Parent, Student, Alumni, Employer
- Formulate academic committee
- Conduct academic and administrative audit
- Quality validation through accreditation – NBA, NAAC, AISHE, 12 (b) and 2(f)
- AQAR submission
Strategic Plan
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) along with Academic council (AC) keeping in mind Vision and Mission statements as highest in the hierarchy of strategic intent. IQAC has prepared has prepared a strategic plan to enhance the academic, research, consultancy, extension, outreach, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities as against the set progress indicators and recommend the augmentation of necessary infrastructural facilities for achieving the long term goals and objectives of the department. These targets have been set with extensive consultation with all stakeholders – Faculty, student, alumni, parent and employer.
Process for setting the strategic goals:
The Institution has the following perspective plans for strategic intent:
- Enhancing the quality of Teaching – Learning
- Promotion of Research and consultancy among staff and students
- Improving Entrepreneurship Development and Industry-Institution- Interaction
- Engaging extension and outreach activities
- Quality Assurance and sustainability
- Developing Physical Infrastructure