Defense Club | NGPiTECH

Defense Club


The direction and guidance to the young mind about the current job opening in Defence sector, how to prepare for the competitive exams in various fields of Defence, how to face the interview in various Defence sectors.

This club will be active via social network, where it updates the current openings, exams dates, etc., in Defence. Regular meetings will be held at Dr. NGPIT to facilitate this process and to interact with the Defence officials.


  • To provide the guidance to the students who wants to join in the uniform forces
  • To give awareness among to the engineering students about the opportunity in the defence sector
  • To provide support for the students for get training
  • To improve the caliber of the students for getting select in the defence related job


  • To groom the students to ensure their place in defense sector in an officer cadre
  • To improve the social and personal relationship by proper training

Action Plan

Every semester, forum will be given to the students to clarify their doubts with the servicing and off the service officers from the defense.

Organizational Structure:

Chief Patron

Dr. Nalla G Palaniswami, Chairman, Kovai Medical Center and Hospital,
Dr. Thavamani D Palaniswami, Secretary, Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology


Dr. O.T. Buvaneswaran Chief Executive Officer, Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology


Dr. S. U. Prabha Principal, Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology


Mr. E.Prabakaran AP/Civil